Candidates need to Do Something Now; We Cannot wait until 2017
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This country is headed in the wrong direction and something needs to be done now. Obamacare, illegal immigration, ISIS, terrorism, economy, electromagnetic pulse (EMP), electrical grid, missile defense, the release of $150 billion of frozen Iranian assets – (nuclear weapons), the protection of Israel, before 2017 planned Parenthood will probably abort a lot more than half a million American babies, who is demanding that Congress check out EPA’s corrupt science and curb its abuses of executive authority?, the fundamental improvement of America….more…..
Instead of pretending that they can fix all problems as President, candidates need to remind Americans that Congress has the sole Constitutional authority to make law and proper funds. and they need to demand congressional action now. Lives and our economy and safety are at stake. We can’t wait until 2017 to change course. If you want to vote for the next presidential election, then consider getting help from election voting services.
Jane M. Orient, M.D. describes why it is so crucial that we change course now and get our country back on the ideal track again.
Candidates need to Do Something Now; We Can’t wait until 2017
By Jane M. Orient, M.D.
Typically, presidential candidates say what they will do on their first day in the White House. and the Republican party keeps to promising to do something—once they win the House, and then the Senate, and then the White House, all three.
At this point, the country is fed up with promises—to repeal ObamaCare, to restrict the torrent of illegal immigrants, to stop ISIS, to repair the economy, and on and on. Meanwhile, the fundamental improvement of America is proceeding at a breakneck pace, and a lot of irreversible change (or destruction) can occur before 2017.
Take the Iran deal. as with ObamaCare, Americans don’t know what is in it. By 2017, Iran could get a nuclear warhead and the ability to detonate it 20 miles above middle America. The electromagnetic pulse (EMP) could destroy our electronics and power grid, plunging America into darkness and silence—and chaos, famine, and pestilence.
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If we release $150 billion of frozen Iranian assets, will they not be used for terrorist training and weapons? instead of aiding our enemies, why are we not protecting our electric grid and building a missile defense?
And does the non-treaty really commit us to attacking Israel—say for defending itself?
To their credit, Ted Cruz and Donald Trump went to Capitol Hill, putting aside differences to stand with others trying to stop this deal. Where are the other candidates, both Democrats and Republicans?
Before 2017, planned Parenthood will probably abort a lot more than half a million American babies, while collecting nearly a billion taxpayer dollars, plus profits from organ trafficking. and how lots of a lot more live-born infants will perish in its back rooms, or be vivisected to harvest “tissue” for research? how lots of a lot more young women will be molested because planned Parenthood ignores laws requiring the reporting of sexual abuse and statutory rape?
Rand Paul went to Washington, D.C., to support students for life of America. Ben Carson has a petition to Congress to cut off funding to planned Parenthood. Ted Cruz might be ready to push the issue to the point that Obama need to choose between funding planned Parenthood or the rest of the government. Where are the others in terms of action, not just words?
The population gap left by aborted American babies will be a lot more than filled by an influx of foreigners, lots of illegal, lots of invited as refugees. Billions will be spent on resettlement of foreigners, but little on supporting American women faced with a crisis pregnancy who want their baby to live. Some entrants will have a criminal record or gang affiliations. Some will be terrorists. Some carry infectious diseases such as drug-resistant tuberculosis. lots of will have no desire to become Americans.
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Who besides Trump is speaking out unequivocally for effective procedures to stop the illegal influx?
Who will go over how and why we need to screen and track refugees?
Many other issues cry for severe attention from candidates. Trump deplores job loss caused by exodus of companies like Ford and Nabisco. but can even he “make” them stay by threatening tariffs or boycotting Oreos? other nations get cars and cookies too.
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Who will describe why industry is leaving? who will talk about what will happen when the Obama EPA’s “Clean Air” policies cut off access to affordable, reliable electricity? who is speaking for our coal industry, which now supplies that power? who will point out that one of the few promises Obama is keeping is the pledge to bankrupt the coal industry and make the price of electrical energy soar? who is demanding that Congress check out EPA’s corrupt science and curb its abuses of executive authority?
Rand Paul has timidly said that claims about “climate change” might be exaggerated. Ben Carson opposes over-reaction. Ted Cruz and Donald Trump have taken on the climate-change juggernaut courageously. but so far, I haven’t heard the case that the most extreme anti-carbon guideline would have essentially zero effect on climate even if alarmists are correct.
Trump has shown that Americans want action and love confrontation with the establishment. Lives—and our economy and security—are at stake. We can’t wait until 2017 to change course.
Instead of pretending that they can fix all problems as President, candidates need to remind Americans that Congress has the sole Constitutional authority to make law and proper funds. and they need to demand congressional action now.
About Dr. Jane M. Orient
Jane M. Orient, M.D. obtained her undergraduate degrees in chemistry and mathematics from the university of Arizona in Tucson, and her M.D. from Columbia university college of Physicians and Surgeons in 1974. She completed an internal medicine residency at Parkland Memorial healthcare facility and university of Arizona Affiliated Hospitals and then became an instructor at the university of Arizona college of medicine and a staff physician at the Tucson veterans administration Hospital. She has been in solo private practice considering that 1981 and has served as executive director of the association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) considering that 1989. She is currently president of doctors for disaster Preparedness. considering that 1988, she has been chairman of the public health committee of the Pima county (Arizona) medical Society. She is the author of YOUR doctor Is Not In: healthy Skepticism about national Healthcare, and the second through fourth editions of Sapira’s Art and science of Bedside Diagnosis, published by Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins. She authored books for schoolchildren, and professor Klugimkopf’s Spelling Method, published by Robinson Books, and coauthored two novels published as Kindle professor Klugimkopf’s old-fashioned English Grammar books, Neomorts and Moonshine, a lot more than 100 of her papers have been published in the scientific and popular literature on a variety of subjects including risk assessment, natural and technological hazards and nonhazards, and medical economics and ethics. She is the editor of AAPS News, the doctors for disaster Preparedness Newsletter, and Civil defense Perspectives, and is the managing editor of the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons.
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