Obezita v marketingu: Pomáha v boji proti obezite?
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https://apis.google.com/js/pluson.js 4. októbra USA Today publikoval krátky článok zdôrazňujúci televízne reklamy z amerického podnikania, ktorý obézne ľudí v centre pozornosti. Subway, Nike a Blue Cross patria medzi podnikanie s ľuďmi s nadváhou vo svojich nedávnych reklamách. Dve tretiny dospelých v Amerike majú nadváhu alebo obézne. Účelom reklám je modifikácia správania spotrebiteľov. Skutočne pracujú?
Časopis zdravých matiek požiadal Elizu Kingsfordovú, licencovanú psychoterapeutovi, správu hmotnosti, ako aj režisér lekárskych služieb v tele v spoločnosti Wellspring, ktorý drží v celej krajine množstvo zariadení na chudnutie, ktoré pomáhajú deťom, dospelým a domácnostiam objavovať zdravšiu metódu Život s modifikáciou správania zdieľať jej know-how, ako aj pohľad na tieto nedávne reklamy.
Prečo si myslíte, že inzerenti ukladajú obéznych ľudí „do centra pozornosti“ vo svojich reklamných kampaniach?
ELIZA: Verím, že s rastúcim porozumením epidémie obezity inzerenti využívajú obéznych ľudí v centre pozornosti pre šokovú hodnotu. Nemám pocit, že mnohí inzerenti sa obzvlášť zaujímajú o svoje predmety, ako aj z tohto dôvodu využívajú techniky, ako je hanba alebo šok, aby získali záujem ich Meny Publikum. Zdá sa, že fungujú za predpokladu, že škoda a hodnota šoku prinúti ľudí, aby zaplatili oveľa väčší záujem o to, čo predávajú. Rovnako ako to môže byť pravda, ľudia budú platiť záujem o reklamy, ktoré kritizujú, obviňujú, zosmiešňujú a dehumanizujú obéznu populáciu, zdržuje . Jedno mesto malo nedávno reklamu zobrazujúce dve osoby trpiace obezitou ako „plážové veľryby“. Reklama zhromaždila veľkú pozornosť, aj keď hlavne negatívna, ale ľudia ju však objavili. Neskôr bola reklama odstránená a nahradená niečím menej útočným. Nemôžem však pomôcť, ale položiť si však otázku, či sa inzerenti cítili, že pôvodná reklama vykonala svoju úlohu tým, že takúto odpoveď vyvolala. Musím sa obávať, či sa inzerenti starajú o účinok alebo vplyv svojich reklám, ako aj to, či ich ľudia vidia alebo nie. Chápeme, že volanie človeka, ktorý je obéznou „plážou veľrybou“, zrazu nenúti, aby sa na seba pozerali iným spôsobom, ako aj zmenili svoje správanie. Veľká väčšina ľudí, ktorí majú ťažkosti s obezitou, chápu, že sú obézni, nevyžadujú alebo chcú vidieť, ako ich hanba reklamy za svoje boje.
[YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1t_h_dbhmgq]
Veríte tomu, že to pomôže oveľa viac ľudí, ktorí si uvedomujú epidémiu obezity v USA, ako aj spôsobia spôsoby spôsobov života života alebo si myslíte, že to urobí len väčším problémom obezity?
Súvisiaci podozrenie, že vaše dieťa má poruchu príjmu potravy? Spýtajte sa jej zubára
ELIZA: Som za oveľa viac ľudí, ktorí si uvedomujú presne to, ako škodlivá táto epidémia obezity skončila, ako aj drastické kroky, ktoré urobí na zvrátenie trajektórie obezity. Štúdie však ukázali, že hanby ADS, zosmiešňovanie a odľudšťovanie ľudí trpiacich obezitou nemajú pozitívny vplyv na ich správanie. V skutočnosti môže byť opak pravdivý. V jednej výskumnej štúdii náhodne pridelených Američanov ľudia objavili tieto marketingové správy mätúce, stigmatizujúce, nevhodné, vágne aj zbytočné (Puhl, Peterson, Luedicke, 2012 Int J obezita). Vyžadujeme, aby sme správu dostali? Áno. Tieto správy však tiež požadujeme, aby boli tieto správy účinné. Ak nie sú efektívne, len prispievame k otázke zaujatosti váh a ochromujeme obézne susedstvo, ktoré môže hľadať pomoc.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXy2UZPncrk]
Ads that include only parts of a person’s body, such as just their backside or only their tummy are dehumanizing. We have seen these ads before, numerous times with women, however now they are being utilized with the obese population. ads like these eliminate dignity as well as humanization from a person as well as depict them as only parts of a whole. Often, ads targeting obesity will depict the overweight person according to present stigmas (overeating, being “lazy”, using clothes that are as well tight as well as unbecoming). These kinds of ads are shaming as well as do not have efficient outcomes. I am not against ads utilizing much more overweight people in them, besides with two thirds of our present population of adults being overweight or obese this is a much better representation of what our country truly looks like. However, I am not in favor of advertising that dehumanizes or shames a particular population into altering behavior.
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Do you believe that much more business ought to put out advertisements like train as well as Nike or is there a much better method to get the message out?
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JnYcuRW_qo]
Eliza: There are conscientious advertisers available putting out positive ads aimed at inspiring others to be healthy. Nike just recently put out an ad of a young guy out for a run, Nathan. He was running sluggish as well as stable at his own speed as well as it was clear, to me, that he was taking steps in his journey towards a healthy lifestyle. The messaging from Nike was about anybody being able to get up as well as get those very first steps in, that Nike gear (any sports gear for that matter) is not just for the elite athlete, the “skinny” girl, the “muscular ” muž. That anybody can accomplish greatness. I was personally influenced by this ad as well as appreciated seeing a young guy that looked similar to the youth I treat every day, available just trying to do the very best he can to be healthy.
There was some debate around this ad, declaring that it was exploitation of an overweight teen. That Nike utilized him to increase sales. Also, that it appeared like Nathan was miserable as well as breathing as well heavily during his workout. Yes, he was breathing heavily, however in my view he was breathing heavy since he was working at a level that was challenging for him. I would suggest that a number of people look somewhat miserable or “in pain” when they are working out hard. I don’t feel like his pleasure of the workout had anything to finish with the message in the ad. Also, don’t all advertisers utilize their subjects to increase sales? Why does nobody get upset when the subject is a 25 year old female with 15% body fat, which, by the way, is representative of an incredibly little portion of our population? Is it because, as a society, she is thought about much more desirable to look at? Nathan, on the other hand, is representative of 25% of America’s population of teens, many of whom requirement to discover some motivation to get available as well as get much more exercise. however since we are not utilized to seeing Nathan on TV, not utilized to seeing overweight or obese individuals on TV, it becomes a topic of discussion as well as dispute. I suggest that is what is wrong, not the ad, however that we would discover the requirement to single it out as well as argument about it since he is overweight.
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Ads from conscientious marketers can be inspiring as well as can assist cultivate change. Such ads would include things like an inspiring message, the story of a whole person (their face, their journey, their success), as well as something to provide the meant audience hope. To me, the message right here is that shaming is not an efficient method to bring about change. We want to bring much more understanding to the epidemic of obesity, however in a method that will efficiently reach audiences without shame, ridicule or dehumanization.
Eliza Kingsford, MA, LPC, is the director of medical services for Wellspring, America’s leading supplier of weight-loss camps as well as residential treatment programs for overweight young people, families, as well as adults. For much more information see http://wellspringweightloss.com/
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